Association of Research Libraries

University of Washington Libraries

Library Assessment Conference

Building Effective, Sustainable, Practical Assessment

2018 Library Assessment Conference
Houston, Texas
December 5–7, 2018

The 2018 Library Assessment Conference will convene in Houston, Texas December 5–7. The University of Houston Libraries and Texas A&M University Libraries will serve as hosts for the event, working with the conference sponsors on local arrangements and meeting planning.

2018 pre-conference workshops will be held on Tuesday, December 4th.

The conference provides a full range of presentations—invited speakers, papers, and posters that cover all aspects of library assessment.

About the Conference

The Association of Research Libraries and the University of Washington Libraries will host the 2018 Library Assessment Conference: Building Effective, Sustainable, Practical Assessment in Houston, Texas December 5–7. The conference goal is to build and further a vibrant library assessment community by bringing together interested practitioners and researchers who have responsibility or interest in the broad field of library assessment. The conference provides a mix of invited speakers, contributed papers and posters, and workshops that stimulate discussion and provide workable ideas for effective, practical and sustainable library assessment. This biennial conference builds on the success of the first six conferences held in Charlottesville (2006, 2012), Seattle (2008, 2014), Baltimore (2010), and Arlington (2016).

2018 Steering Committee Members

Steve Hiller (Conference Co-Chair, University of Washington)

Sue Baughman (Conference Co-Chair, Association of Research Libraries)

Jackie Belanger (University of Washington)

Nicole Branch (Santa Clara University)

Jeremy Buhler (The University of British Columbia)

Martha Kyrillidou (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and QualityMetrics, LLC)

Marilyn Myers (University of Houston)

Megan Oakleaf (Syracuse University)

Angela Pappalardo (Association of Research Libraries)

Jennifer Paustenbaugh (ARL Assessment Committee Chair, 2015–2017, Brigham Young University)

Frankie Wilson (University of Oxford)